Recipe: Appetizing chicken breast tostadas:)

chicken breast tostadas:).

chicken breast tostadas:) You can cook chicken breast tostadas:) using 7 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of chicken breast tostadas:)

  1. You need of Chicken breast.
  2. You need of Tomatoes.
  3. It's of Onion.
  4. Prepare of Chilis.
  5. It's of Garlic.
  6. It's of Oil.
  7. Prepare of salt.

chicken breast tostadas:) step by step

  1. Boil the chicken breast until you see it's ready..
  2. Whash the tomatoes and the chilies and then cut them in small pieces as well as the onion and the garlic..
  3. Preheat a pan with a little bit of oil..
  4. Once the oil is ready pour the onion and garlic in the pan first..
  5. Second pour the chillies..
  6. Let a minute pass before pouring the tomatoes..
  7. While the mix is getting fried and letting go of the juices you can start shredding the chicken breast. So that they are not as hot..
  8. Also don't forget to mix the mixture once in a while so that it won't stick to the pan and burn..
  9. When the mixture gets In a watery state you can place the shredded chicken breast in the pan..
  10. Mix everything and add salt according to your taste..
  11. Let the chicken breast absorb the juice of the mixture for about 3 minutes..
  12. And they are ready to serve with tostadas..

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