Recipe: Perfect chicken breast with cheesy mushroom sauce

chicken breast with cheesy mushroom sauce.

chicken breast with cheesy mushroom sauce You can have chicken breast with cheesy mushroom sauce using 20 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of chicken breast with cheesy mushroom sauce

  1. It's of breast coating.
  2. You need of mustard paste.
  3. You need of salt.
  4. It's of red chili paste.
  5. Prepare of bread crumbs.
  6. You need of chicken breast.
  7. You need of egg.
  8. It's of butter.
  9. Prepare of herb potatoes.
  10. It's of potatoes boiled.
  11. It's of Italian seasoning.
  12. Prepare of salt.
  13. Prepare of butter.
  14. You need of cheesy mushroom sauce.
  15. You need of milk.
  16. Prepare of butter.
  17. Prepare of white flour.
  18. It's of mushroom.
  19. It's of chedder cheese grated.
  20. It's of salt.

chicken breast with cheesy mushroom sauce step by step

  1. melt butter in pan add boiled potatoes Italian seasonings and salt.
  2. mix chili paste mustard salt and chicken breasts together.
  3. one by one dip in beaten egg and bread crumbs coat thinly and fry in melted butter.
  4. melt butter in a cooking dish add milk then flour and cheese make a smooth creamy sauce add sliced mushrooms.
  5. add salt in mushroom sauce.. serve the fried chicken breasts with herbed potatoes and cheesy mushroom sauce.

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